Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Construction Plans For A Toy Chest Free

Asperger ABA what it is for me? @ Catherine Faherty

This is a book in my view essential to all parents and caregivers of children aspergers or high functioning autism.
I mention here is hoping it can help parents who would spend "at Lily," or friends of parents, teachers, professors welcoming one of these children within their class ...

Presentation Editor
The practical book that parents and professionals have been waiting for!
Aimed at involving children and adolescents diagnosed with autism with good verbal and intellectual skills, as well as those with Asperger syndrome, this book consists of worksheets for use by the child itself, supplemented by practical advice for parents and professionals. Through exercises on topics like "why am I autistic", " better understand people"; "transform my thoughts into words"; "play with friends" and many others, this book will allow the child with the help of an adult, to better understand its own functioning and to find tools that will help them understand the world that surrounds and better adapt. Catherine Faherty is one of the best specialists of the current topic. She learned to know and appreciate these children during long years of practice in the TEACCH program in North Carolina (USA).

This book really does seem particularly interesting at least two levels: First
- It allows the child, accompanied by his parents, even if at times one prefers, to better understand differences, to tame them, and find in times of difficulties and anxieties of the strategies enabling it to live as normally as possible. Fact sheets are available to the child (or teenager) that can fill or ask his parents to fill out with him. They are at once the opportunity to clarify the difficulties experienced, to explain the feelings and sensations and possible solutions to ease tensions or difficult passages (eg "stall" - why I pick up, why I'm doing wrong, why I can not speak and look at the same time the face of my interlocutor etc. ..)

- It also explains very clearly to parents and to various stakeholders (teachers, teachers) who do not know very well yet this "difference" a clear picture, clear, jargon-free, PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders), the autime high level, and Aspergers ... The many aspects of disability (or difference) are presented with very clear chapters which follow directly from the records available to children.
I find it very comprehensive and accessible (this changes works a little too didactic and sometimes hard to understand, too technical ...).

- This book is available from Autism dissemination (follow the link - the symbol of the book is "o15" - you will find in the download table of contents and one or two chapters). Also available from Amazon.
Catherine Faherty - Asperger what is for me? - 2004 Editions AFD - 35 €

I also want to mention three books, the stories of people with autism by Temple Grandin
, Donna Williams ,

and the written for four hands by Judy Barron and Sean Barron ...

Some sites are no less important:

@ Autism Foundation "Acting and conquer"
@ Alsace
Autism Autism Speaks @

What is autism? here
what Asperger here

Originally this post was included in "Lily and her books," now his place is here ...


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