I loved this movie , it even shocked me (well, we were two, Benoit and I to be moved almost to tears ...).
The message he delivers, whose image above is an illustration of the best there is, I went straight to the heart ...
On one day there very long, Matthew had to have 3 or four years, I read on a forum devoted to autism, this sentence of a mother "I love my son with his autism, for me it is inseparable from him ... "I just reacted violently, me that at that time had so much wanted to completely eradicate this difference that we made life so difficult ... I found the words beautiful, but totally inaccessible, surreal.
Over the years, I can tell it's my turn, and I do not hesitate to do so. It is not so much "acceptance" as a much better understanding of what my son, everything inside him ... Yes it has a different perception of the world that everyone, yes, it reacts differently, away from stereotypical ways, and so much better. He is himself, with that of the unknown and unpredictable which makes it a wonder child and a insatiable curiosity. Wanting to "change", the lead force to what we are, the NT (neurotypical) would be a boundless cruelty. It is rich in what it is, and too bad for others than it hurts.
course, it's much easier to say now that the major difficulties have been overcome at the beginning ( Fear of change in all things, inability to express his feelings, even to speak, paroxysmal anxiety attacks ).... But nevertheless, this is the direction which, I believe efforts should be ... it has its place, keeping it IS one, while allowing to adapt, understand and learn, true to himself. Yes ASPI for Freedom ".
I will not therefore become a mom "educator", those who want to erase differences at all costs and "Overcoming Autism" (what a book title, it is amazing and dismaying) multiplying the "home-made workshops ". I would just continue the path we take for years, trust, love and serenity leaving it free to be what it is ...
Why this sentence " Become what thou art " would be prohibited?
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