Next event ... Saturday, December 12 and December 18! The GRP
Saturday, December 12 :
A breath of sea air the program with 70 km GRP Tour du Calais . Departure at 9am Station Calais.
A small restaurant is even provided for those who can stay after the race for pan-fried in joy and happiness our tour of the coast!
[0 POINT FOR UTMB (Manu ;-))]
Friday, December 18
But also NIGHT to the discovery of the BROTHERHOOD OF HORIZONS with appointment to the store 19h OFF RACE Jean Lille . com / for the 2009 retrospective of the Brotherhood and its 9 trips, accompanied by an aperitif Tiot then hop out for those who wish for a tavern "In Old Old" held by the lovely Elise! Horizons of all, we will Picon-brothers!
For those who are leaving for the restaurant please let me know so I can make the reservation. Thank you!
GRP Tour of Calais - departure at 9.00 from the Calais train station Saturday, December 12, 2009
70 km walk with to start more than twenty kilometers seaside cliffs along the Cap Blanc-Nez then returns to the land through fields by offering a flat terrain including the rise of "Belle Vue" and "Tappecul" the well-appointed but also of Mount Torque (164m) which offers a magnificent view over the site of the two caps, the Strait of Dover and the surrounding countryside. Passage near the terminal Euro-Tunnel pour le clin d'œil . Puis quelques kilomètres boisés à l'orée de la forêt de Guînes avant d'atteindre la ville du même nom et son marais. Et ensuite une arrivée vers Calais en longeant le canal.
Bref tout ça m'a l'air bien alléchant. Le bonus est que par beau temps les côtes anglaises seront même visibles à plusieurs endroits !
Si vous le pouvez , prévoyez un peu de temps pour souffler avec un p'tit resto côtier qui nous ragaillardira !
la carte :